Education Ministry
We’re excited about helping people grow in faith so we have opportunities for all ages. Children’s Church is offered every Sunday during worship. Children (preschool through 6th grade) are excused before the sermon and spend the time engaged in age appropriate learning activities in a safe environment. We have Tuesday Text Study at the church and via Zoom from 9:30 – 11:00 am each week. During this time we dig deeply into the texts for the coming Sunday, opening our understanding to God’s word and seeking ways to apply it to our lives today. Men’s Bible Study meets 9:30 am Saturdays at the church. Women’s Group meets at 7pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at the church. Other classes are also offered throughout the year – check our calendar! Come join in the fellowship and grow in God’s word with us. And, if there is something you’d like to learn about, let us know and we’ll pull together a group to learn and grow with you!
Prayer Ministry
Prayer is central to our congregation and an essential foundation for our ministry. All meetings of the congregation, the Deacons or committees begin with prayer to seek God’s guidance and blessing (Philippians 4:6-7). We encourage our members to pray for our ministry, each other, our government leaders and for the world. A group meets at the church on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm to pray through the needs known to the congregation.
Music Ministry
The primary areas of music involvement are as a member of the Worship Team or the Worship Planning Team. For more information on our music ministry or if you wish to be included in this ministry please contact the church office to be put in touch with the Director of Music. You will find various ways to contact us on the contact information page.
Hospitality Team
Our membership share in the responsibility of hospitality as ushers, greeters and coffee servers during fellowship time.
Media & Technology
Our weekly worship service is offered over You Tube, and sermons are uploaded to our website in audio format and to our YouTube channel. We also maintain an active Facebook page for additional church communication.
How Can I Get Involved?
If you would like to be involved in the mission and ministry of Shalom Community Lutheran Church you may take the first step by completing the Ministry Questionnaire below and return it to the church office. On it you will provide your name and contact information and an indication of the areas of ministry that you are interested in. Once received, the form will be forwarded to our pastor or a team leader who will then contact you.